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Corus World Health

Corus World Health is the newest member of the Corus International family of brands. The purpose of the brand is to raise unrestricted funds to support Corus' global health work. The advertisements below were developed to support this mission.

Calvert Firsts

A series of brand awareness advertisements were developed to increase the number of admission application submissions and entry acceptances. This campaign served a second purpose of stewarding outstanding alumni.


The language of the ads highlight that Calvert is the foundation of a person's education and all future endeavors stem from this foundation. These advertisements were run on social media, in print magazines, as email solicitations, and as direct mail.

This series won the bronze in the international 2019 Brilliance Awards for School Marketers: Paid Advertising.

What will you find at Calvert?

The below advertisements were developed to highlight the endless possibilities that a student has access to at Calvert. The viewer's curiosity is piqued with the question, "What will you find at Calvert?"

These advertisements were run on social media, in print magazines, as email solicitations, and as direct mail.

Corus LinkedIn Brand Awareness

The below LinkedIn advertisements were promoted in a targeted campaign during a gathering of INGOs in the Washington, D.C. area. They highlight the mission of Corus International to holistically address the challenges of poverty, access to health care, and climate change.

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