USDA Food for Progress, Peru Spices: Proposal Infographics
One of my responsibilities at Corus International is to support the Business Development and Programs teams in their efforts to secure institutional funding to implement projects in our focus countries. The individuals reviewing these proposals receive hundreds of submissions that are dozens of pages long. It is critical to the mission of the organization to win such awards and in order to do so, we must create eye-catching graphics that are clear and accurate.
The below graphics were included in the USDA 2022 Food for Progress Peru Spices proposal using the specifications required such as Times New Roman, twelve-point font.
Togo PROFIT Project: Proposal Infographics
Similar to the infographics above, the Togo PROFIT project proposal required engaging infographics to convey complex ideas in clear and concise ways. A sample of those infographics is below. Corus International won this award as a result of our outstanding proposal.
Calvert School Annual Report on Giving
Each year at Calvert, an annual report on giving is published to recognize donors and share statistics on funds raised. The raw data on this topic is unhelpful to our audience if it is not presented in a visual manner. It is important for strategic development to be able to see which donor groups are participating the most, which are participating the least, and which groups donate the most money.
The graphics below were created for the 2020-2021 fiscal year annual report on giving.
Corus International partners with the USAID program, MOMENTUM, to "scale up health interventions and improve the overall health and well-being of mothers, children, families, and communities." There are strict branding guidelines that we must adhere to when creating content for any USAID program. Below are graphics that were created for Corus International / MOMENTUM reports.
Technical Overviews
At Corus, we often must create technical overviews of projects in a concise single page design. Infographics play a critical role in being able to do that in an engaging way.